welcome to boot2tech!
this is a complete tech_indicator which diverts your browser to sites which stars your favourites...plus boots some interesting things now and then...this is not a 'regular' blog which you have to follow daily...but sort of a time pass....when your usual online activity is felt a bit boring or something....boot to this tech_indicator...andget much bored! pass some time....
we were informed the following have to be put up in a disclaimer paper ....and we stand by it....
-regarding the content put up here....no images and text are from a copy-righted site.
-the content published in boot2tech can be republished in any form.
-the download links....when clicked are at the user's own risk.
-any form of violation can be reported as a comment in the blog itself...
-time pass guaranteed.
thats it.thank you.
this is a complete tech_indicator which diverts your browser to sites which stars your favourites...plus boots some interesting things now and then...this is not a 'regular' blog which you have to follow daily...but sort of a time pass....when your usual online activity is felt a bit boring or something....boot to this tech_indicator...and
we were informed the following have to be put up in a disclaimer paper ....and we stand by it....
-regarding the content put up here....no images and text are from a copy-righted site.
-the content published in boot2tech can be republished in any form.
-the download links....when clicked are at the user's own risk.
-any form of violation can be reported as a comment in the blog itself...
-time pass guaranteed.
thats it.thank you.